The books in this section are in the personal collections
of the Facilitators of H.O.W. workshops. Many are
referenced in the workshops. Click on the ripple to view
the dust jacket cover. We encourage you to purchase these
books either through your local independent bookstore or
click on Buy this
Book! next to the book you desire to help
support our mission. Search for other books
through our site and Amazon.com.
Baker, Carolyn, Ph.D. Reclaiming
the Dark Feminine: the Price of Desire. Carolyn Baker
presents a unique perspective on the dark side of the
feminine and provides a new approach to gender
reconciliation and relationships. Through weaving
together the symbolic and the literal, she develops solid
ground on which men and woman can join in their quest for
union with both the feminine and masculine energies
within themselves and each other.New Falcon Publications,
1996, ISBN: 1561840882 
Berry, Carmen Renee & Lynn
Barrington, Daddies & Daughters. The
moment a father holds his infant daughter for the first
time, a special bond is formed that will shape and mold
them both from that point forward. As the first
significant man in his daughter's life, he plays a unique
and potent role in developing her self-image. In later
years, how she perceives herself as friend, lover, wife,
mother, and colleague, is in large measure a result of
the love and acceptance she saw reflected in her father's
eyes as a child. Drawing on stories from across a wide
spectrum of individuals and families, told both
individually and in tandem, this touching volume explores
the heartaches, joy, and frustrations that comprise this
complex, primary emotional attachment. www.LynnBarrington.com
Simon & Schuster www.SimonSays.com
Brown, Ron, My Father has Left Me
and I'm About to Go Off! A guide to
raising a young son. Black males are under assault
from many sources. Not that this news is new. Whether
listening to the evening news or remembering the lost
sons of family and friends, the impact of the loss of so
many of our young men to jail or the grave is devastating
to the African American community. With the emasculating
effect on men and the disproportionate burden placed on
women in the Black community, it is easy to see the
problem, but where are the solutions? This book addresses
the loss of black fathers in our communities. It speaks
of anger, despair and isolation that is part of the lives
of many black youths who live in female run households.
And it tells the story of how one young boy transcended
those feelings to find hope, redemption and new
directions, finding his own soul and letting it soar.
Four-G Publishers 1999 ISBN 1885066597

Carlisle, Bob, Butterfly
Kisses: Tender thoughts shared between fathers
& daughters, Bob Carlisle. Several years
ago, the author wrote the song "Butterfly Kisses" to his
sixteen-year-old daughter. It was never intended for
release. He was sitting up late one night reminiscing and
took out an old cedar box full of photographs. As he
began to look at the pictures of his daughter, he came to
the realization that he wouldn't have her under his roof
much longer. The song just poured out of him that night.
In addition to the newfound fame from the crossover
success of the song, he experienced a few interesting
drawbacks, too. Like having truck drivers pull him over
and good-naturedly threaten to slug him while pointing to
dents in their trucks from running into something while
listening to the song. Then there are other reactions to
the song that vary from incredibly moving to sometimes
heartbreaking. So, he wrote this book. He wanted men to
read the reflections of other men and their daughters and
to see their relation portrayed in picture, in a way they
could identify with. That way in the future they'll be
inspired to create their own "Butterfly" memories with
that special little girl in their lives. And if that
happens, then the song and the book will have
accomplished everything the author hoped they would.
Countryman, 1997 ISBN 0849953537 
Collins, Alfred,
Fatherson: A self psychology of the
archetypal masculine. Using a varied palette of
examples from the literature of both Western and
non-Western cultures, the author illustrates the
Fatherson archetype from angles both personal and
professional. He writes, "In the modern postindustrial
West, discord and neglect seem increasingly to dominate
the father-son relationship, to the point that for many
men the father-son bond has been disrupted, or was never
adequately formed in the first place. As the status and
role of the Father has been diminished, sons have run
wild and free in his absence. The weakened father is not
limited to the mass media: he can be found in
therapists' offices (even many of the therapists), or
more often, licking his wounds in bars and in the
audiences of athletic events. Weak fathers often
compensate with brutality, but whether they are outwardly
weak or brutal, sons suffer." Chiron, 1994
ISBN 0-933029-75-6 
Ehrenberg, Miriam & Otto,
The Intimate Circle The sexual dynamics of family
life. Another important out-of-print book that takes an
honest look and sexual energy within the family. It gives
men in particular an understand of what is natural and
what is unhealthy sexual energy in the home. Simon
& Schuster, 1988 ISBN 1510446369
Elium, Jeanne & Don,
Raising a Daughter: Parents & the
awakening of a healthy woman. Following the huge
success of Raising A Son, the authors have
turned their attention and expertise to the challenge of
raising a daughter in today's world. The often
conflicting messages to women about women make the
raising of girls sometimes a daunting responsibility. The
continuing struggle for equality between the sexes may
appear to be at odds with the obvious and the
not-so-obvious differences between males and females.
Ever-changing cultural and social attitudes toward women
also affect how we treat our daughters. They help parents
unravel and make sense of all this conflicting
information. They address the unique challenge of the
mother/daughter relationship, the confusion experienced
by fathers, and the special needs of single parents.
Going step by step through each state of development,
from infancy through the teen years and into early
adulthood, this book is indispensable reading for new and
experienced parents alike. Celestial Arts, 1994
ISBN 0-89087-708-4 
Elium, Don & Jeane,
Raising a Son: Parents and the making of a
healthy man. Boys need to know three
things: Who's the boss? What are
the rules? And, are you going to enforce
them? Sons need firm, kind leadership. One of
the few parenting books that husbands steal from their
wives, this is the straightforward, easy-to-read family
bookshelf standard. The authors continue to chart new
territory with this new, updated, expanded and revised
edition. Look of discussions on: boys and ADD,
teaching boys to nurture themselves and others at home,
creating balance between work and home (what many fathers
need to learn), a resource section for parents of gay
sons and other sexual identity issues, new, updated
parenting resources, an index for quick reference and
more. Celestial Arts, Revised and updated. 1996
ISBN 0-89087-811-0 
Erickson, Beth, Longing for
Dad: Father loss and its impact. Whether
you lost your father through death or divorce, or you
wished he would have said "I love you" instead of merely
being a good provider, you may harbor unresolved hurt in
your soul. This hurt - father hunger - masquerades as
other symptoms du jour like low self-esteem, fear of
intimacy, marital strife, poor work performance, or
addictions to food, sex or alcohol. Learn how to
identify, validate and heal the pain surrounding father
loss. By sharing compelling case studies of men and women
and her own personal struggle to accept her father's
death, she guides you through the healing process. After
reading the dialogues and completing action exercises,
you will fill the hole in your soul and emerge from the
journey at peace with yourself and your relationship with
your father. Health Communications 1998 
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, Ph.D.
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of
the Wild Woman Archetype. A Jungian analyst explores
the mysteries of the feminine psyche through stories of
"wild women"--the mythological archetype of the strong,
primitive woman. "The work of Clarissa Pinkola
Estés, rooted in old and deep family rites and in
archetypal psychology, recognizes that the soul is not
lost, but has been put to sleep....This volume reminds us
that we are nature for all our sophistication, that we
are still wild, and the recovery of that vitality will
itself set us right in the world." --Thomas Moore Author
of Care of the Soul. Ballantine, 1997 paperback. ISBN:
Evetts-Secker, Josephine, The
Barefoot Book of Father and Son Tales. This richly
illustrated book presents father and son tales from all
over the world, exploring many aspects of this unique
family relationship. Kings, merchants and peasants from
Polynesia to Chile all have a powerful influence over the
development of their sons, often setting them specific
tasks in order that they may acquire the wisdom and
courage they need to become independent. Sometimes these
fathers are loving and gentle, sometimes foolish and
overambitious. The behavior of the young heroes
themselves also varies considerably: some have to strive
hard to endure their challenge, while others are
fortunate enough to find themselves in the right place at
the right time. Reaching across geographical boundaries,
the bond between fathers and sons is important to all
kinds of families. Parents and children alike will relish
the wisdom and drama of this exciting collection.
Barefoot Books 1999 ISBN: 1902283325 
Exley, Helen, The Love Between
Fathers and Daughters. "I know I have my father
wrapped around my little finger, but he has we wrapped
around his", says Holly, the daughter of Charlton Heston.
This beautiful collection celebrates the magical bond
between fathers and their daughters. It's the perfect
gift from one to the other. Exely Publications, 1995
ISBN 1-85015-643-3 
Farrell, Warren, Women Can't Hear
What Men Don't Say: Destroying myths, creating love.
This book shows how to break through the invisible
barriers that keep men from expressing their deepest
feelings and keep intimacy from its fullest development.
The author demonstrates how gender-based anger at home
and at work, omnipresent media images, and the overall
culture combine with men's own fear of expressing
feelings to misrepresent the inner and outer reality of
men's lives. The result is stereotyping, misinformation,
widespread alienation of the sexes from each other in
both long-term relationships and first-time encounters,
unnecessary divorces, and both sexes' being deprived of
the intimacy they crave. Looking at the world from both
men's and women's perspectives, the author provides a
remarkable and easy-to-follow communication program that
shows couples how to move beyond the current tripwire
assumptions that lead to so much gender-based conflict
and allows them to understand and love each other more
fully than ever. He has discovered not what works in
theory, but what works in life. His methods are the
culmination of years of real-life experiences with
thousands of men and women in workshops, groups, and
seminars. And you'll find that these methods that create
love at home can also create success and respect in the
workplace. wfarrell@home.com
or www.warrenfarrell.com.
Tarcher/Putnam, 1999 www.penguinputnam.com
ISBN 0-87477-988-X 
Fossum, Merle, Men in
Recovery: Finding Our Direction (formerly
"Catching Fire") Though sadly out-of-print, this is
my Number 1 pick that I would like to see every man read.
Check used bookstores, Alibris.com
or other sources and Buy This Book! Hazelden, 1989
Gordon, Barry, Your Father, Your
Self: how sons and daughters can understand and heal
their relationships with their fathers. The role of
the father is central to the emotional life of children
and often is key to the quality of their adulthood. Too
often, poor relationships with fathers leave sons and
daughters unfulfilled and plagued by anger, misunderstood
grief, insecurity and even serious anxiety and
depression. Here the author covers two aspects of
relationships with a father: restoring the son's or
daughter's psychological well-being by healing the
emotional wounds that result from failure to connect with
one's father and attempting to change and heal the
current relationship between them. The book demonstrates
the emotional rewards of working hard to heal
relationships with one's father, including a new
self-perspective and improved relationships not only with
fathers, but with other family members, friends, children
and coworkers. It is a poignant and moving reminder of
the powerful role a father plays in our lives and of the
emotional imperatives that lead us to seek a deeper union
with him. Carol Publishing, 1996
Gurian, Michael, The Wonder of
Boys: What parents, mentors and educators can
do to shape boys into exceptional men. Therapist and
educator Michael Gurian takes a close look at modern
boyhood. Gurian asserts that the biological and
neurological differences between boys and girls need to
be accounted for and nourished in order to raise healthy,
happy boys. In discussing boy culture--and the roles of
competition, aggression, and physical risk taking--the
author concludes, "It's not boy culture that's inherently
flawed; it's the way we manage it." The Wonder of Boys
offers advice on how to understand and build strong
father/son and mother/son relationships, stresses the
importance of healthy discipline, and suggests methods of
teaching boys about sex, relationships, and spirituality.
Tarcher/Putnam, www.putnam.com
1996 ISBN 0-87477-8341-X 
Hay, Louise. You Can Heal Your
Life. This New York Times bestseller has sold over
1.5 million copies. Its key message: If we are willing to
do the mental work, almost anything can be healed. For
all who are looking for a source of inspiration on the
path to self-discovery. Hay House, 1999 ISBN: 1561706280

Hendricks, Gay, Ph.D. Conscious
Breathing : Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and
Personal Mastery. Offers an effective program for
enhancing the quality of one's entire life, drawing on
ancient spiritual traditions and modern medical science
to explain how to increase health and fitness, overcome
asthma and other ailments, and use breathwork to improve
communication and personal relationships. Bantam Books,
1995 ISBN: 0553374435 
Henry, DeWitt & McPherson,
James Alan, Fathering Daughters: Reflections by
men. The subject of being a father to a daughter has
not been fully addressed before, certainly not with the
same emotional weight as that of being a father to a son.
Beginning with a father's dramatic account of the birth
of his girl and ending with a hauntingly beautiful essay
by a man taking his daughter on a trip in her first year
of college, her second of leukemia, nineteen passionate,
articulate writers grapple with what it means to be a
father to their daughters. A book for every man who has a
daughter, who wished he'd had a daughter, or who hopes to
have a daughter someday. A must read! Beacon Press, 1998
ISBN 0-8070-6218-9 
Hillman, James, Michael Meade, Robert
Bly, ed., Rag & Bone Shop of the
Heart: Poems for men. Bly, Hillman, and
Meade challenge the assumptions of our poetry-deprived
society in this powerful collection of more than 400
deeply moving poems from renowned artists including
Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Theodore
Roethke, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marianne Moore, Thomas
Wolfe, Czeslaw Milosz, and Henry David Thoreau.
Harper Collins, 1993 ISBN: 0-06-092420-9 
Jampolsky, Gerald & Lee,
Listen to Me: A book for women and men about
father-son relationships. In this courageous and
collaborative tribute to the father-son relationship,
they explore their own history and relationship in a
series of personal letters to each other. In three parts,
their letters reveal the story of conflict, inner
struggle, doubt, fear and love that are a part of every
man's life. Sharing in their self-doubt, anger,
frustration and genuine affection for each other, they
take us to a place of compassion and understanding.
Insightful reflections and helpful guidelines at the end
of each chapter give readers the stepping stores which
mark the path to better and happier relationships.
Through these intimate dialogues, they help readers
achieve peaceful resolutions or deeper wisdom about
father-son relationships. Celestial Arts, 1996
ISBN 0-89087-810-2 
Johnson, Robert A. Lying With the
Heavenly Woman : Understanding and Integrating the
Feminine Archetypes in Men Lives. The best-selling
author of He, She, and We blends
elements of myth, storytelling, and Jungian insight to
reveal the complex feminine elements in a man's
life--including the Mother Complex, the Mother Archetype,
Sister, Wife, Anima, Sophia, Hetaira, and Friendship.
Harper San Francisco, 1995 ISBN: 0062510665 
Keen, Sam. Fire in the Belly: On
Being a Man. A guide to establishing new personal
ideals of heroism, strength, and potency for a fuller
life examines the stereotypes, myths, and evolving roles
of contemporary men, presenting an alternative vision of
virtue and virility. Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd Pap),
1992 ISBN: 0553351370 
Klein, Art, Dad & Son: A Memoir
about Reclaiming Fatherhood and Manhood. The story
begins with devastation - Art was incapacitated for five
years with a rare mythopethic disorder. At his sons
birth, he was scarcely ambulatory and all but blind and
deaf from his illness. He had lost his business contacts,
his belief that he could be a father, his purpose in
living. When he gathered the will to search for a way to
independently transport himself and his family, he began
to find life again. It reveals much about a man's innate
desire to reclaim a purposeful fatherhood and manhood. It
ends with hope - a near-miraculous recovery based on his
newfound sense of fatherhood and manhood. In sharp
contrast to the male-trashing myths so prevalent in our
culture, he chronicles and importance to one man, and to
all men, of the fatherly and brotherly love men must give
to themselves, their children and their world. What you
will come to realize is that - needed legal-system
changes aside- men will never fully embrace fatherhood
until it becomes accepted that fathering, whether
biological or attitudinal, is the essence of being a man.
This book will definitely help. Tortoise Books,
516.725.9465, 1996
Lederman, Ellen, Vacations that
can Change Your Life: Adventures, retreats &
workshops for the mind, body and spirit. A most
interesting book that talks about a number of workshops
like: Healing the Father Wound, New Warriors, Opening the
Heart, and Joyce & Barry Vissell's Shared Heart
Training. Whether you want to indulge your sense of
adventure or spiritual curiosity, this book invites you
to plan an experience that will affect you in a permanent
way. From oceanside yoga retreats and communication
workshops to photography excursions and wilderness
challenges, this remarkable guide tempts us to challenge
our psyches, bodies and boundaries. Treat your mind, body
and spirit to the most enriching vacation of your life!
Sourcebooks, 1996 ISBN 1-57071-124-0 
Lee, John, The Wounded
Lover: A book for women raising sons and men
coming to terms with their fathers, (formerly At
My Fathers Wedding), Ally Press, 1995
Leonard, Linda Schierse, The
Wounded Woman: Healing the Father-Daughter
Relationship. This is my Number 1 pick for women who
are looking at their Father Wound. However, if you
haven't done Healing the Father Wound yet, be careful not
to see yourself in any one particular group that Linda
outlines. An invaluable key to self-understanding. Using
examples from her own life and those of her clients, the
author exposes the wound of the spirit that arrives from
the father-daughter relationship. She speculates that
when a father is wounded in his own psychological
development, he is unable to give his daughter the care
and guidance she needs. In turn, she finds it difficult
to express herself on many levels. This book shows that
by understanding the father-daughter wound, and working
to transform it psychologically, it is possible for them
to achieve a fruitful, caring relationship. Shambhala,
1998 ISBN: 1570624119 
Lerner, Harriet, Ph.D. The Mother
Dance: How Children Change Your Life. From the
best-selling author of "The Dance of Anger" comes this
original look at the experience of Motherhood; from how a
woman arrives at the decision to have children, to how
her identity does and doesn't change, to how it alters
the dynamics of all her relationships over time.
HarperCollins (paper), 1999 ISBN: 006093025X Buy
This Book 
Lichtenberg, Greg. Playing
Catch With My Mother: Coming Into Manhood When All the
Rules Have Changed. Lichtenberg speaks for sons of
the gender wars, who must find their way to manhood
through a minefield of collapsing families and
contradictions. Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd),
1999 ISBN: 0553099825 
Manguel, Alberto, Fathers
& Sons: An anthology. Men are both
fathers and sons. This fundamental relationship is the
subject of these twenty moving, loving and insightful
short stories. Renowned anthologist, the author has
selected a diverse group of the world's best modern
writers to explore this powerful connection. Evocative
and memorable, this book will pull you into a literary
world both familiar and dark, witty and revealing.
Chronicle Books, www.chroniclebooks.com
1998 ISBN 0-8118-1630-3 
Meade, Michael. Men and the Water
of Life: Initiation and the Tempering of Men. The
acclaimed mythologist presents a collection of stories
that is a multigenerational exploration of what it means
to be a man, including tales of ritual mating dances and
life in the African bush. Meade uses myths and symbols to
provide keen insights into male initiation, power,
ordeals, scars, wounds, passion, violence, love, and
more. "Meade is a master of the mode."--New York Times
Book Review. HarperSan Francisco, 1994, ISBN:
Meyer, Chuck, Twelve Smooth
Stores: A father writes to his daughter about
money, sex, spirituality and other things that really
matter. How do you talk to your teenagers about the
important things in life - friends, first dates, money,
sex, work, beliefs, being true to your values,
pornography, dying, alcohol and drugs and other
things? The author found a way. He wrote
letters to his daughter. It gave him the space and time
he needed to express his thoughts. And it gave his
daughter the opportunity to come back and talk to him
about everything from psychology to war to college to
evolution. This book shares those letters. It will help
parents and teens get the conversation started.
Northstone 1999 ISBN 1-896836-27-5 
Myss, Caroline, Ph.D. Anatomy of the
Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing. The
coauthor of The Creation of Health synthesizes the
ancient wisdom of three spiritual traditions--Hindu,
Christian, and cabalistic--to show readers how to
identify the spiritual origin of illness, heal them, and
attain higher consciousness. This book describes the
seven-step process for promoting spontaneous physical,
emotional, and spiritual healing, offering a detailed
introduction to the field of energy medicine. Random
House (Paper), 1997 ISBN: 0609800140 
Myss, Caroline, Ph.D. Why People
Dont Heal and How They Can. Myss builds on her
teaching to reveal the real reasons people become
physically and spiritually ill, why they cling to lives
of hurt, disappointment, and dependence, and how they use
illness to give meaning to their lives. Three Rivers Pr,
1998, ISBN: 0609802240, 
Northrup, Christiane, M.D.
Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom: Creating
Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.
Through her clinical and personal experiences, Dr.
Christiane Northrup came to see that negative
circumstances in our lives often manifest themselves in
our bodies as illness and pain. In Women's Bodies, she
addresses each area of women's health and explains the
potential problems that can arise, the possible
treatments and the ways that each can be affected by a
woman's spiritual and emotional states. Examples from the
lives of her patients illustrate how changes in attitude
and life situations can affect a woman's health. She also
gives advice on choosing a doctor, deciding on a
treatment, nourishing ourselves and healing emotional
scars. Christiane serves as an example of a doctor who
has taken her conventional medical training and expanded
it to address all aspects of health. Review From The
WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting
the Community for Women; review by FGP , February 1,
1997 Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd Pap), 1998 ISBN:
Olivier, Richard, Melting the
Stone: A journey around My Father. Many men find it
hard to move away from their fathers. The authors
experience was exaggerated by being the son of Laurence
Olivier, one of those rare men generally regarded as "the
best in the world" as what he did. The authors easy
way out would have been to reject him, which at times he
tried to do. The harder task, which he eventually
acknowledged to be the right one, was to accept his
famous father as a human being, who lived his life as
well as he could. Its a search for mature
masculinity, encompassing emotion as well as thought and
deed. And, at times these overlap, for the father is the
sons first image of manhood. It is a personal
story, but the events in it describe common experiences
of thousands of men around the world. It was not written
to give yet another insight into a great actors
life. It was written from the perspective of a son trying
to come to terms with his past in order to live more
fully in the present and look more clearly into the
future. Continuum Pub Group, 1996, ISBN: 0882143700

Pipher, Mary, Reviving
Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent
girls. A clinical psychologist observes the
psychological pitfalls faced by teenage girls growing up
in a dangerous world in which violence, sexual
harassment, eating disorders, promiscuity, and drug use
have become the norm. At adolescence, says Mary
Pipher,"girls become 'female impersonators' who fit their
whole selves into small,crowded spaces." Many lose spark,
interest, and even IQ points as a "girl-poisoning"
society forces a choice between being shunned for staying
true to oneself and struggling to stay within a narrow
definition of what it is to be female. In this book
Pipher offers parents compassion and strategies for
survival. Ballantine, 1995 ISBN 0-345-39282-5

Pollack, William, Ph.D. Real
Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood.
Author and psychologist William Pollack presents his
findings from almost 20 years of clinical work and his
recently completed study examining contemporary boyhood
and the ways boys manifest their social and emotional
disconnection through anger and violence. There's a code
of boy behavior, Pollack says--an unspoken "boy code"
that teaches boys how to act and demands that they cover
up their emotions. Owl Books, 1999, ISBN:
Reis, Patricia, Daughters of
Saturn: From father's daughter to creative
women. Though feminists have turned prodigious
energies toward describing mothers and daughters, the
father-daughter relationship remains conspicuously
ignored. Here, the author explores various aspects of
this relationship with a particular focus on the father's
effect on a woman's creative life. Beginning with the
myth of Saturn, the archetypal devouring and melancholic
father, she explores the many ways that the Daughters of
Saturn have come to name their experience and have used
language to tell their stories. Through myth, dreams, and
women's experiences, the author creates a map marking a
journey from life in the Belly of the Father through the
First Gate of Awakening. She documents women's
resistances and rebellions against the dominant culture
of patriarchy, the treacherous Battle zone of Culture,
and records the lives of four women writers - Emily
Dicknson, H.D., Sylvia Plath and Anais Nin - outlining
their struggles and strategies to live creative lives.
The author marks the trails into what she calls "The
Wildzone", a place that has existence outside the law of
the fathers: a woman-centered ground of being and
knowing. Continuum, 1996, ISBN: 0826408931 
Shealy, Norm, M.D. The Creation of
Health. Physician, neurosurgeon, Norman Shealy, M.D.,
is an expert on pain and stress management. The Creation
of Health explores the emotional, physical, and spiritual
patterns that form health and the stresses that can cause
disease. With co-author Caroline Myss, they identify
eight. Three Rivers Press, 1998 ISBN: 0609803239

Simon, Clea, Fatherless
Women: How we change after we lose our dads.
There is a special bond between a father and a daughter,
and when that bond is broken by death, a woman's life can
change in profound and unexpected ways. The author
explores this crucial meeting point of grief and growth
by delving into her own experience and those of other
women to paint an illuminating portrait of the
father-daughter relationships and its lifelong
ramifications. Filled with moving stories of real women,
this poignant, comforting, and insightful book paves the
way for all women to make peace with the past, with the
adults they have become, and to couragesously face the
question: what happens next? John Wiley, wiley.com,
2001 ISBN 0-471-22895-8 
Valentis, Mary, Ph.D. Female
Rage: Unlocking Its Secrets, Claiming Its Power.
Examines the very real causes of women's rage over gender
and cultural bias, explaining why such a reaction is not
only real but also justified and how the acknowledgment
of that rage leads to empowerment. OOP
Walkerdine, Valerie, Daddy's
Girl: Young girls and popular culture.
When she's itty, bitty and blond, wearing ribbons and
curls and an aura of money, she's adorable and
vulnerable, the tiny, innocent heart of our culture. But
when the little girl comes from the working class, she's
something else. Just what, and why so little is said
about it, are the questions the author asks in this book,
a book about how we see young girls, how they see
themselves, and how popular culture mediates the view.
The author's challenge to certain feminist conceptions of
today's problems is both refreshingly iconoclastic and
worth considering. She provides a provocative historical
analysis of the portrayal of girls. She also offers her
view of the implications of television, where young
girls, primarily working-class girls, dress up like adult
women rock stars and gyrate provocatively while they sing
pop songs full of sexual innuendoes. Harvard University
Press, 1998 ISBN 067418601X 
Weinstock, Nicholas, The Secret
Love of Sons: How we men feel about our
mothers, and why we never tell. Boys love their
mothers, but even those who proclaim it on biceps
sporting "Mother" tattoos don't talk much about Mom. A
few do, though, and while the author quotes dozens of men
in the tried-and-true confessional mode of popular
psychology books, the primary interviewees are himself,
his brothers, and his mother. The still-young Weinstock
(age 27) puts mother-son relations into one category (the
taboo realm of romance and sex) and three periods (ages
infancy-10, 10-18, 18 and up). Riverhead Books, www.putnam.com
1997 ISBN: 1573226726 
* * *
...that is what learning is. You suddenly understand
something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.
- Doris Lessing
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